Friday, 24 August 2012

President Barack Obama

Hi everyone, well I've been busy this week and found time to draw a few famous people, this being someone everyone knows (I Think!).  I Thought it was an appropriate subject being that the election is coming up very soon and everyone is talking about Barack Obama and he is flooding the social networks with his promises.  I think I know more about the American election than I did the French one which took place this year! I decided he looked a bit lonely on the page and thought the American Flag would finish the drawing off. I might just send this one to the White House hahahaha .

Lord Sugar

Here is my take on the infamous Lord Sugar.  Some love him some hate him but it has to be said he has made a great career from nothing and is doing very well thank you! He has a wicked sense of humour and entertains many on Twitter on a daily basis. Anyway this is my drawing of him I may just send the original to him I doubt I will ever find out if he likes it, I hope you all do :)

Friday, 17 August 2012

My beautiful Friend Kirsty & her baby

This is my drawing of my lovely friend Kirsty and her wonderful baby.  I have had a little break from drawing lately but have to get back at it again.  My website will be up and running soon and things will be all go go go.  At the moment it is too hot to do anything you step outside to an oven where your feet burn your body roasts and your hair smolders.  Still cant complain going swimming today and another salad as I am on a diet!!