Well I am sure you have all been cranked up into voting mode, that is if you are in the UK. People around the world are watching on in anticipation of the outcome. The lies, hogwash and desperation are flowing from every corner.
However, I decided to add a different more vibrant, exciting and far more important vote into the mix.
Now I am sure you are thinking that this doesn't look much like Europe. You would be right. It is a wonderful book called Swallows and Robins, written by the even more wonderful Susie Kelly and what makes it even better is that it had made it to the final.
Now I hear you thinking, what has that got to do with you, well we need your vote to make it win. The finalist will be on the TV and it would make this lovely lady's day if she won.
Anyway it takes all of a couple of minutes to click and vote and I would be so grateful if you could all take the time to make someones day and get this wonderful book to the top.
Here is the link to vote and hope you all get a chance to read it too, you will not be disappointed.
Thank you everyone, one little act of kindness can change the world xx