Sunday, 23 September 2012

My first Life Drawing

This is my first life drawing.  Made a change from drawing portraits to be able to do the whole body.  I am now looking for a lady model to draw.  If any ladies fancy having a drawing of themselves please contact me.

Friday, 21 September 2012

To Judge me or judge me not

Well the last two weeks have been interesting to say the least.  I have had a mad cat lady telling me that concrete is cruel for cats feet and a pretend 'Greek God' telling me when I should get up in the morning and what I should be doing!!  It's coming to something when someone has the cheek to come around your house without an invitation and then vent their 'bad day' on you by screaming in your face about what they think you are doing incorrectly in your life.  I wouldn't mind but I never asked for advice and if I wanted to take to my bed and never get up until the day I died then that would be my business, so one would think! This so called 'Macho Greek God' went on to tell me I spent too much on cakes shouldn't let my kids do horse riding and should  be up before the sun.  I came to the conclusion that he was having a bad day, probably had a row with his wife and had to find someone to offload on to.  Being a marshmallow I didn't say anything back and just let him rant.  I know that was probably not the right thing to do but being a hater of confrontation I occasionally and rather pathetically tried to defend myself with little luck.

Then I had this lady come around telling me she couldn't sleep and was crying the whole time thinking of my cats being cold and no comfort and if I can't take care of them I should give them away.  Let me first tell you that I have many rescued cats whom no one wanted.  A deaf cat, three legged cat, one that pees all the time, one that poos in every corner just to name a few.  Well these cats are outside cats I have a massive room for them that they live in in the winter and in the summer, which is very hot here, they live outside. All are fed and watered and loved. Having tried everything with them this is the best scenario and works well all around.  My deaf cat has to be put on a long lead as he has no direction or balance and would get run over or lost.  Anyway at night they get fed and go into the large concrete rabbit pens to sleep and come out in the morning.    Well to appease this lady we have had to swing into winter mode and put them back into the large insulated room in the shed, much to their disapproval, as in her words 'its far too cold outside for them now' .  Most of the cats I have were wild living in the cold and rough with no on demand food and some would have been put down by now.

Like I said the last two weeks have been interesting and as they say it takes all sorts to make a world.  I think I met most of them without asking! I never judge others or interfere in others lives but obviously not everyone feels the same.  So I now have the words above pinned to my front door with a sign saying 'sorry we are closed' !!!!!  

Sunday, 9 September 2012

Music Producer David Breed

Well today was far too hot to be outside so I decided to get on with my to do list of portraits.  This is my latest, the young, very talented music producer David Breed.  If working hard gets you to the top  this young man will be there waving his flag of success very soon.  He works 24/7 helping people, passionate about music, to produce their songs, giving everyone a chance. Here is the link to his production company, take a look when you have a free moment.

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Two dwellings or not two dwellings

Well today we had a little man come round to the farm to see if our house was two dwellings or just one. Someone had put a claim in that we had carried out work last year and changed out maison into two houses.  This being completely wrong and no work had been carried out what so ever we spoke to the Mairie and the l'impot but we still got letters saying that they understand we are two dwellings and that we didnt get permission to do the work and also the Number 1 and Number 2 for our respective dwellings!!! Well the official man drew up battling around 15 chickens 3 dogs 14 cats and my father he diligently went around every room measuring with his little red light and stepped over cat boxes dog beds furniture and people he made a plan of the house and outbuildings.  He then decided that we were just one dwelling and did not understand why anyone would think we were two!! This point we had made many times to various people with no luck.  He then told us that the square metres of the house was actually less than originally documented so we are in line for a small rebate and reduction in future Taxe Fonciere!! Whoooooppppiiiiieeeeee is all I can think of saying!

Monday, 3 September 2012

Pencil Portraits

Well I expect you all know that I do pencil drawings.  Well if you get a chance take a look at my Facebook page.  There is a selection of some of my drawings on there and details about how to commission a drawing for yourself.  I am, believe it or not, taking orders for Christmas already!

Here is my latest drawing a friend of mine Stephen.

Holly and her favourite horse

This is my daughter Holly with her favourite horse - a Friesian Horse called Ilona - she is a large horse and Holly loves nothing better than to take her out on a sunny day for a hack.