Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Two dwellings or not two dwellings

Well today we had a little man come round to the farm to see if our house was two dwellings or just one. Someone had put a claim in that we had carried out work last year and changed out maison into two houses.  This being completely wrong and no work had been carried out what so ever we spoke to the Mairie and the l'impot but we still got letters saying that they understand we are two dwellings and that we didnt get permission to do the work and also the Number 1 and Number 2 for our respective dwellings!!! Well the official man drew up battling around 15 chickens 3 dogs 14 cats and my father he diligently went around every room measuring with his little red light and stepped over cat boxes dog beds furniture and people he made a plan of the house and outbuildings.  He then decided that we were just one dwelling and did not understand why anyone would think we were two!! This point we had made many times to various people with no luck.  He then told us that the square metres of the house was actually less than originally documented so we are in line for a small rebate and reduction in future Taxe Fonciere!! Whoooooppppiiiiieeeeee is all I can think of saying!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, that's real whoopppeeeeee news! What a nice and clever little man. :)
