Monday, 22 October 2012

Updated Don't get caught by the 'Gift of the Gab' Part 2

Carrying on from the previous story.  My parents lived in a lovely 5 bedroom house, it was the house I had been born in and we all grew up in this house including my children.

My father built the extension with the help of mum, my sister and me.  Ive never felt so wonderful at 11 when I finally moved into my big bedroom it was a dream come true! This was the house that 'The Australian' persuaded my parents to sell to buy this massive farm in France, and even though they wanted just my name on the deeds he talked them into adding his name saying he would not do any of the renovations unless his name was added.  I also found among his papers he left behind a file where he had applied for a mortgage to buy my parents house and using my house as collateral to secure the balance of the value.  This we knew nothing about.

The plane he forced my father to buy was a Cherokee 4 seater which was supposed to be for joy flights around the area.  Just before he left France never to return he flew the plane to the UK, back to the man who he bought it from and spent many hours talking this decent man into the ground convincing him that he really wanted to own one of the Bently cars this man collected.  This man ended up agreeing to swapping the plane for one of his cars. When he arrived back in France driving the Bently he told my father that someone owed him money and he had taken the car as payment.  He then drove back the UK with the car and returned by train.  We found out he had sold the car for over £5000 and kept the money.  The man who had swapped the car contacted me sometime after and said he was sitting on the toilet one morning reading through his car magazine and was shocked to see his car for sale and completely saddened that he had been taken in by 'the Australian' and realised he was just another one of David's victim.  My father still had two years to pay on the loan for the plane, at £297 per month from his pension, that now belonged to someone else. My father finished paying the the plane end of last year and the total paid was over £18,000. The red van in the picture was also on loan when I met David and he paid it off with the sale of my house another £14,000. It is now roaming around the UK.

The plane (4 seater)

The Bently

The sale of my house paid for all his other toys like jetski, many quad bikes, metal guillotine, lathe, router, forklift, spray painting system etc etc many thousands of euros.  He still has the plane he bought with my money, I did try to get that back but without money for legal costs I had no chance.  I remember him flying it back from the UK when he didn't have the required ratings to fly in the bad weather.  He nearly missed the runway at Poitiers Airport in France and had to have several tries to land.  They sent a letter regarding the danger and there was an inquiry. I had been on the phone to him before he left the UK saying that the cloud was low there was fog and you couldn't see the wind turbines.  He took no notice of me and still took off.  When replying to the official letter he lied in the whole thing making up a plausible story and go away with it like always.  He said he did it as if he had been charged they would have fined him and I would have to pay! He told me that he nearly died on that day as he was close to crashing - not telling who he might have killed if he hadn't made in down safely.

The 6 seater plane bought with the money from my house
All singing all dancing wood machine

Spray unit 

He kept us imprisoned on the farm not allowing us to go out unless absolutely necessary.  If anyone came to visit we would be questioned and interrogated for hours afterwards to make sure we had not told them anything he was doing and they had not spoken about him.  One night he held me in his conversation until 3am in the morning until I was so tired I just agreed to everything he said.  He was the most frightening person you could imagine.  He used his religion to frighten us.  My dear old mum was scared of him and if she saw him coming up to her house she would turn off the fire and panic.  She was disabled and couldn't walk very well but he still gave her lectures shouting at her the her house was filthy and she was just a lazy dirty old lady!! He regularly had us all in tears unable to live up to his standards and expectations.  

You have no idea the relief we all felt when he went and never came back! It was like we had been let out of a nasty bubble.  You do not realise how these people gradually pull you in to their evil life making and molding you into what they want so they can use you for what they want and when they have taken all they can they move on to their next victim.  We were all just shells when he left, drained and tired.  For 3 months I just sat in my Pjs hardly able to breath not knowing what to do I had no money, no job, massive debts and a unfinished house.  

One day I woke up and something inside me said I cannot be like this I have people relying on me to motivate them and get the world moving again for us all.  So I started a business, got registered and got going again.  For the first time in my life I started claiming benefits which I felt really bad about as I had never claimed anything in my life in the UK and now I was in another country I was having to.  My mother was really sick so I had to look after her day and night and did so until she died.  We gradually got ourselves back on the map, selling all the toys he bought and finding our feet.

See it is possible to start again and work your way up.  No matter how bad things seem there is always a glimmer of light in the distance that you can work towards and one day all the problems will be in the past.  Although Im still working though mine but I know it will be over one day.  My biggest problem is still having his name on the deeds of the house this must be rectified one day as I don't feel he deserves any more money from my family. 

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