Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Morning Madness

I wake up in the morning either with the hoot of the bread ladies van, the calling of the cockerel, the hoot of the peahens or the barking of the dog, I squint at the time, check my twitter & lay thinking about the day ahead trying to muster up the energy to face the day.

When I get up I have to face 14 hungry cats, 2 big dogs, 11 chickens, 2 peahens and any staying guests we have at the time.

I have to let the indoor cats out without letting the outdoor cats in and avoiding being whisked off my feet by one large dog eager to rush out for daily treats from my dad.  Then there are the kittens who can't go out and some outdoor cats who can come in!

Its a military procedure, calling each cat by name in out or stay.  This is after I've fed them.  Feeding them is the same difficult procedure.  There are the kittens who have baby food, the indoor cats who have dry food, the outdoor cats who have tinned food, there are the cats who try to eat the wrong dinner and the dogs who likes it all.  Feeding the outdoor cats is a challenge trying not to tread on the crowding group of cats around my feet and successfully filling up bowls without dropping the food on heads that cover the bowls before you can fill them or having the cats jumping on you and knocking the food out of your hand before you even get to the bowls!

After the daily feeding routines is achieved there are the cat toilets, doggie walks and the chicken run.  The chickens are just as mad and chase after you surrounding you until you are unable to walk before you can feed them they are jumping on the bowl. Collecting the eggs and dating them is a work of art before the chickens peck you for removing their eggs and before the big speckled one eats them.

After all is fed, watered, cleaned and walked its time for my coffee and sit down!

Life on the Funny Farm!


  1. What a lovely post! I can relate to this well as I used to have a heap of cats and chickens too :-) I would love to live in France, but got stuck in Holland!

    1. Hello Val. Thank you for taking the time to read my blog, you are stuck in Holland and I am stuck in France!! Maybe we should swap hahahaha

    2. Do let's! Would you like my job as well? :-)

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