So I'm on the last day of this job, a bunch of kenneled dogs. While I waded through the copious amounts of dog wee and poo, which I might add had been spread thickly across the floor like nutella, I wonder to myself how did I end up doing this?
The room where the dogs live is cold even on a hot day and the smell is quite lively! The smell of pungent dog poo lingers in your nostrils for many hours after leaving said barn. Worrying in the fact that a physics teacher in my secondary school once told us that you smell things because little particles of the smell go up your nose and stick to your hairs, remember that the next time someone close to you has wind!!! Some facts are better left unknown.
Not sure if you remember but we now have 21 cats at home. This is not by choice but just happened. My local vet who is wonderful said that the worming tablets cost over 6 euros each and that she has got some treatments you use on farm animals that is the same but would cost less. After working out the relevant dosage I went away with two bottles. Well today we tried to worm all 21 cats! We first had to weight the cats. This proved very hard as some were tiny and didnt even move the scales. We resorted to the kitchen scales and a plastic bowl. Then my daughter had to stand on the other scales then hold the cat while I peered through squinting eyes to work out how many tiny red lines had increased. After that I then had to prepare two pipettes of liquid. My daughter then holding the cats feet and scruff I proceeded to squirt the liquid into their mouths. It turns out that one of the treatments is ok the other is foul and all cats foamed at the mouth went crazy and thew up! This took a few hours to complete and was traumatic for all concerned. I'm thinking maybe it would be better to save up and buy the tablets instead.
Other news on the funny farm, our dog Alfie stole my daughter's salmon puff and managed to eat it before she got to him. We have a glut of goose and duck eggs. Oh and my son thought he would light to fire that belongs to the central heating. This has not been used for few years as the pipes are all split. I get a phone call saying we have had a massive leak. Not sure why or what reason he decided to do this but we now have brown water marks all over the walls, the hall carpet has had to hung high up on a pole to dry off without cats squirting on it. The phone now crackles when used and the platerboard is looking a little wobbly!
Never a dull moment on the Funny Farm
Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear! I think that covers all three horrors. But I can so relate :-) Lovely post, Heather!